Prosecution Council of Kosovo

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KPC rejects the Voluntary Agreement of the Investigative Panel in the case

Prishtinë, 30 September 2022 – The Kosovo Prosecutorial Council (KPC), led by the Deputy Chairman Veton Shabani, held the next meeting, according to the planned agenda.

In this meeting, the members of the KPC approved the decision on the payment of experts, including the forensic pathologists who provide professional services for the prosecutorial system, this payment, which will be made in accordance with the legal and by-laws.

Also, the KPC has postponed to the next meeting the presentation of the work reports of the chief prosecutors of the prosecution offices for the period April-June 2022 and has made a decision to send the request to the President of the Republic of Kosovo for release from duty on the occasion of retirement of a prosecutor of the Basic Prosecution in Mitrovica.

In the closed to the public part of today’s meeting, the KP addressed the Voluntary Agreement of the Investigative Panel regarding the case, in which case this agreement was not approved as such, but the members of the Prosecutorial Council have requested that it be returned for reconsideration.