Per Psh - Psh | Sistemi Prokurorial i Republikës së Kosovës
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The State Prosecutor is an independent institution and exercises its functions independently and impartially. In exercising its functions, it ensures equal and objective treatment of all persons without discrimination on the basis of national, gender, racial, political beliefs, religion and social standing.

Independence and impartiality shall be ensured by the avoidance of any interference or interference with or interference with the work of the State Prosecutor.

The State Prosecutor shall prosecute perpetrators who are prosecuted ex officio or on the motion of the injured party, supervise the work of the judicial police in the investigation of criminal offenses, and lead the preliminary procedure in the collection of data and information. necessary to initiate criminal proceedings.

In his work, the State Prosecutor assesses and analyzes with the same dedication and exculpatory evidence and during the investigation ensures that the investigation is conducted within the legal timeframe, fully respects the rights of the defendant and ensures the collection of evidence acceptable to the court.