Per Psh - Psh | Sistemi Prokurorial i Republikës së Kosovës
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The main aim of the State Prosecutor is to successfully fight crime in the Republic of Kosovo and to contribute to ensuring the rule of law.

The top priorities will be the successful prosecution of war crimes, organized crime, and offenses that ruin the foundations of the country's economy. Fighting these types of crimes should be a challenge not only for the State Prosecutor, but also for all state organs and Kosovar society. To this end, it will cooperate with all law enforcement agencies, in particular with the Kosovo Police, Kosovo Customs, Tax Administration and the Kosovo Anti-Corruption Agency.

The work of the State Prosecutor shall be based on compliance with the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo, international laws and conventions. The work will respect independence, impartiality, professionalism and fundamental human rights and freedoms.

Reaching public confidence is an ongoing goal. To this end, the State Prosecutor will pay particular attention to transparency and the media and to civil society.
Rational use and use of budget and human resources is also one of the important goals.