Lajm - Psh | Sistemi Prokurorial i Republikës së Kosovës
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A person, who is suspected of attempted aggravated murder, is detained

Gjilan, March 28, 2020 - The Basic Prosecution in Gjilan, Department of Serious Crimes, today detained the suspect with initials B.M, suspected of having committed the criminal offence, on March 28, 2020, at approximately 13.00 hrs, in the village of Verbovc, municipality of Kllokot, the suspect B.M., of Serbian nationality, attempted to deprive of life the injured party Z.J., of Serbian nationality - a police officer, who was not in official duty at the time, by firing two shots in the direction of the latter, in which case the latter received two gunshot wounds, due to which was sent for medical assistance to UCCK, in Prishtina.
Upon the order imposed by the prosecutor on call, the suspect was detained for 48 hours on suspicion of the criminal offense of “Attempted Aggravated Murder” and will be required by the competent court in Gjilan to issue the measure of the detention on remand within the legal deadline.