Lajm - Kpk | Sistemi Prokurorial i Republikës së Kosovës
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The KPC adheres to the joint statement that is expected to be signed with the KJC and the MoD

Prishtinë, 16 February 2023 – In order to continuously strengthen the rule of law, the Kosovo Prosecutorial Council, in full coordination with the Kosovo Judicial Council, is committed to concretizing the actions that lead to the clarification and strengthening of the legal framework, which regulates these two institutions.

The Kosovo Prosecutorial Council, together with the Kosovo Judicial Council and the Ministry of Justice, has pledged, through a joint statement, which is expected to be signed, to establish joint working groups for the evaluation, conceptualization and drafting of legal initiatives, with purpose of clarifying, amending and strengthening the legal framework in the areas related to performance evaluation, the process of recruitment, appointment and reappointment, the disciplinary system, the professional development and status of prosecutors and judges, strengthening the mechanisms for declaring the assets of prosecutors and judges, the system for verifying the profile of candidates for prosecutors and judges, as well as the implementation of the recommendations from the TAIEX mission to fight organized crime and corruption (2022).

The signatory institutions of this declaration, respecting the independence of other institutions, specifically, without prejudging the Ad hoc Committee of the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo regarding the constitutional and legal amendments for vetting and in line with the opinion of the Venice Commission, respectively, with the recommendation of this opinion "to enter into full dialogue with the Councils", pledge to implement the legal package, in order to strengthen the rule of law in Kosovo.

Finally, all planned actions will be in full coordination with international partners.