Lajm - Kpk | Sistemi Prokurorial i Republikës së Kosovës
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A workshop is held for the drafting of the Strategic Plan for the years 2022-2024 of the prosecutorial system

Prishtinë, 10 December 2021 – The Kosovo Prosecutorial Council, supported by the EU Program for the Justice Sector in Kosovo, EUKOJUST, held a workshop on drafting the Strategic Plan 2022 - 2024 of the prosecutorial system, which was attended by members of the KPC, Chief Prosecutors of prosecution offices, prosecutors of the Office of the Chief State Prosecutor, representatives of the EUKOJUST project, members of the Working Group for drafting this draft and officials from the administration of the Kosovo prosecutorial system.  

During the discussions of the draft Strategic Plan and Action Plan, a special emphasis was placed on policy planning for the management of the prosecutorial system in the next three years, in order to continuously increase professionalism, efficiency and strengthen independence, integrity, accountability and transparency, relying on constitutional and legal competencies.

In the workshop, it was said that the Plan contains feasible activities and actions and specifies the systematic monitoring of its implementation, clearly defining the goals, as well as specifying them through the Action Plan, which shows the paths to be followed for its implementation. 

It should be noted that international partners in addition to financial support of this workshop are also contributing with expertise in the process of drafting this plan.