Lajm - Psh | Sistemi Prokurorial i Republikës së Kosovës
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A meeting was held between the Prosecutors-coordinators against criminal offense of domestic violence

Prishtina, December 23, 2022 - At the invitation of the coordinator for criminal offenses of domestic violence from the Office of the Chief State Prosecutor, Sevdije Morina, a meeting was held between the coordinators for these criminal offenses from all Basic Prosecution Offices of the Republic of Kosovo.


In this meeting, the main problems and challenges faced by state prosecutors in handling cases related to criminal offenses ofdomestic violence were discussed. Among other things, it was discussed about the provision of sufficient evidence, withdrawal of the statements of the victims under consideration and the legal impossibility of relying on the previous statements.


In addition, during this meeting, the lack of capacities in the Institute of Forensic Psychiatry and the delay of expertise were discussed.


In this meeting, where representatives from the American Embassy in Prishtina were also present, all the coordinating prosecutors pledged that they will continue with even greater dedication, urgency and efficiency to handle all cases related to criminal offenses of domestic violence.