Lajm - Psh | Sistemi Prokurorial i Republikës së Kosovës
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The next meeting of the Committee on Budget, Finance and Personnel is held

Prishtinë, 1 December 2021 – The Committee on Budget, Finance and Personnel of the KPC, chaired by Prosecutor Ariana Shajkovci, held its next meeting, in which the items on the agenda were discussed.

As the first point of this meeting, the members of the Committee on Budget, Finance and Personnel have reviewed the expenditures in a summary manner for each economic category of the budget in each budget program of KPC, with special focus on capital expenditures for 2021.

In detail, the Committee was informed about the implementation of capital projects and challenges during this year and on this occasion approved the changes that should be made by the end of the year in the budget of KPC.

Following the meeting, the members of the commission reviewed two requests, one request for custody in the prosecutor's offices and one request of the Department of Information Technology.