Lajm - Psh | Sistemi Prokurorial i Republikës së Kosovës
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Indictment against 29 persons for money laundering, organization of pyramid schemes, illegal gambling and auxiliary

Prishtina, October 27, 2020 - The Special Prosecution of the Republic of Kosovo, has  filed an indictment in the Basic Court in Prishtina - Special Department, against 29 defendants for the criminal offenses "Money laundering", "Organizing pyramid schemes and illegal gambling" as and for the criminal offense "Assistance".

Accused by the Special Prosecution are: S.K. A.D.  A.K. Z.Z. B.A. B.B. B.B. F.M. N.P. N.E. N.E. H.E. B.B. T.D. D.SH. B.S. A.H. A.L. B.I. P.N. A.B. A.R. I.J. I.V. S.B. S.B. R.N. B.M. B.K.

The above defendants acting either separately or in co-perpetration as described in the provisions of the indictment, from an unspecified date continuously until 15.12.2017, acting intentionally and knowingly, contrary to the law on games of gambling, always in order to bring illegal benefit to their property, organized gambling for which the license, permit or concession of the competent body has not been granted, in such a way that in the case of control by inspectors of TAK, and members of KP / DHKO, in the businesses of the defendants, were found and confiscated vending machines for which the defendants did not have a license from the competent body or acted contrary to the license granted, or did not have permission from the respective municipality to exercise that activity.



Also, from the evidence available in this case, it results that now the above-mentioned defendants for a long period of time are involved in the criminal activity of money laundering earned through the above-mentioned criminal offenses, where in order to illegally gain property , have carried out their criminal activity through the illegal exercise of the business activity of casinos, ie gambling, and then carrying out various financial transactions from the funds provided by that criminal activity, more precisely from the act of criminal offense which criminal offense, the defendants has generated income in the amount of millions amounting thus fulfilling in full the elements of the criminal offense of Money Laundering (as specified in the law on prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing ), including: Deployment, Stratification and Integration through the introduction and re-introduction of illegal means into the country's economy as legal income , as specified in article 308 of the CCRK and articles 56 and 57 of Law 05 / L-096 on preventing money laundering and combating terrorism.

With these actions, the above-mentioned defendants have committed the criminal offenses "Money laundering", "Organization of pyramid schemes and illegal gambling" as well as the criminal offense "Assistance".

In the indictment is proposed to the court that after the administration of evidence and the completion of the main trial, the defendant be found guilty of the criminal offenses charged and tried according to law.