Lajm - Psh | Sistemi Prokurorial i Republikës së Kosovës
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The beginning of the implementation of the IPA Project, a topic of discussion between the General Director of the KPSS and experts

Prishtina, 23 October 2020 - The General Director of the KPC Secretariat, Lavdim Krasniqi, received in a meeting the experts of the IPA Project, Dragomir Jordanov and Cristian Nicoara, on which occasion he discussed the implementation of the IPA project for the support of the justice sector (EUKOJUST).

Consequently, in this meeting, it was said that this project is in the preparatory phase of the implementation of the foreseen activities, including the preparation of an analytical report and the adequate assessment of the needs for support of the prosecutorial system.

In this context, both parties agreed to have a joint focus on drafting a plan for the implementation of this important IPA project.