Lajm - Psh | Sistemi Prokurorial i Republikës së Kosovës
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A competition is announced for 8 state prosecutors

Pristina, 22 May 2020 - The Kosovo Prosecutorial Council (KPC), under the protection measures against COVID-19 pandemic and through a video conference held the 181st meeting in a row, under the leadership of the chairman, Bahri Hyseni, on which occasion were discussed points according to the agenda.

KPC in this meeting has announced the competition for 8 state prosecutors, who will be recruited in the Basic Prosecutions. Also, in order to carry out the recruitment process, KPC has established the Committee for Recruitment of State Prosecutors, the Committee for Review and has appointed the Exam Administrator.

During this meeting, KPC members discussed, reviewed and approved three reports of different time periods of the Inter-Institutional Tracking Mechanism for characteristic criminal offenses: Annual Report 2019, Quarterly Report January - March 2020 and Comparative and Analytical Seven-Year Report.

Also, the Draft Regulation on the Organization and Activity of the Kosovo Prosecutorial Council was reviewed, which with some amendments was approved.

Furthermore, the meeting continued with the internal announcement for advancement for 4 positions in the Special Prosecution of the Republic of Kosovo.

With the expiration of the mandate of the Deputy Chairman, KPC in accordance with the bylaws has made a public call for the nomination of candidates interested in the position of Deputy Chairman of the Kosovo Prosecutorial Council.

At the end of the meeting, KPC members reviewed and approved two reports on the performance evaluation of 9 prosecutors with permanent mandate.