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The 180th meeting of the Kosovo Prosecutorial Council is held

Pristina, April 15, 2020 - The Kosovo Prosecutorial Council (KPC), under the protection measures against COVID-19 pandemic and through video conference held the 180th meeting in a row, under the leadership of the chairman, Bahri Hyseni, on which occasion were discussed the points according to the agenda.

The meeting began with a discussion on the current situation regarding the COVID-19 pandemic in the prosecutorial system in general and its impact on the work of prosecution offices, where it was said that all facilities of the Kosovo prosecution offices have been disinfected. In this regard, it was concluded that the prosecutorial system is carrying out its activities in accordance with the measures taken in order to protect against COVID-19 pandemic.

During this meeting, the members of the KPC, at the request and proposal of the Chief Prosecutor of the Basic Prosecution of Pristina, have decided to appoint prosecutor Sebahate Hoxha, head of the Department for Juveniles and prosecutor Jehona Grantolli, head of the General Department in this prosecutor.

Also, the Report of the Committee for Performance Evaluation of 6 prosecutors with a permanent mandate was approved and two hearings were held, where the reports of the investigative panels regarding the disciplinary procedures against the two prosecutors were treated.

During this meeting, the Kosovo Prosecutorial Council reviewed other issues from its scope.