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The next meeting of Kosovo Prosecutorial Council members was held

Prishtina, 13th of August, 2013 – Today was held the next meeting of Kosovo Prosecutorial Council members, chaired by Chief State Prosecutor, who at the same time is Chairman of the Council, Mr. Ismet Kabashi.

In this meeting took place the performance review of Prosecutors: Arben Kadriu from the Serious Crimes Prosecution Department in the Basic Prosecution in Gjilan and Agron Matjani from the Serious Crimes Prosecution Department in the Basic Prosecution in Gjakova, to who the initial mandate expires on 20th of August, 2013. Following the review of performance assessment of Prosecutors and other respective documents, Kosovo Prosecutorial Council took the decision to give the proposition to the President of the Republic of Kosovo to reappoint Prosecutors Kadriu and Matjani with a permanent mandate.

During the meeting were also held discussions for candidates who have passed the Preparatory/Entry exam for attending the initial training for Prosecutors, organized by Kosovo Judicial Institute. Kosovo Prosecutorial Council has taken the decision that the Office for Judicial and Prosecutorial Assessment and Vetting shall verify the past of all these candidates before having them attend the initial training for Prosecutors, in order to avoid no-purpose investment in them in case any of them results having any obstacle for being appointed in the post of Prosecutor.

At the end of this meeting the member of Prosecutorial Council, lawyer Teki Bokshi, has informed members of the Council that Kosovo Chamber of Advocates has changed the methodology regarding the assignment of ex-officio defense lawyers. Within the changes now on the list of ex officio defense lawyers will not be sent in Prosecutions, but when needed to engage an ex-officio defense lawyer, the Prosecution shall contact the administrator of regional branches of Chamber of Advocates and the latest shall then call the defense lawyer from the list of lawyers, according to the listing in the respective regions. For this matter, Chief Prosecutor Kabashi has promised that he will request from all local Prosecutors to respect and apply this methodology.