Lajm - Psh | Sistemi Prokurorial i Republikës së Kosovës
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Chairman Isufaj: Terrorism and Money Laundering is a global threat

Prishtina, 28th of June 2017 – Today, Chairman of Kosovo Prosecutorial Council, Blerim Isufaj, has attended the workshop with the topic: “Terrorism Financing and Money Laundering”, organized by the US Department of Justice, International Crime Investigative Training Assistance Program (ICITAP), and Overseas Prosecutorial Development, Assistance and Training (OPDAT), in Kosova.

Before the attendees of this workshop, Chairman Isufaj said: “Initially I thank US Department of Justice, ICITAP and OPDAT, for the invitation to be part of this workshop that has on focus prevention and combating terrorism financing and money laundering.

Ladies and Gentlemen, nowadays terrorism financing and money laundering is a global threat, and there is not even one country that is entirely protected from this phenomenon.  In this regard, in the last years Kosova has also been evidently challenged from this form of criminality, where as a result of socio-political context and separate competencies, and often due to lack of proper coordination between International and local institutions in charge of Law Enforcement, has been created an environment for the spread of this phenomena in our country as well.

Consequently, initially through financing from different organizations there were promoted fundamentalist/conservatize ideas, which have gradually evolved in extremist violent ideas and participation in terrorist activities.

Local institutions in charge of Rule of Law in the last years have engaged themselves with all their capacities in fighting and preventing this form of crime. In this regard, through a better coordination between Police, Prosecution and other institutions have been achieved concrete results, by significantly preventing this phenomenon in our country.

Nevertheless, Rule of Law Institutions, in particular prosecutorial system still has huge needs for increasing professional capacities through obtaining contemporary practices, as well as increasing international cooperation in the effective fight and prevention of this phenomenon.

Being aware for the seriousness of this form of crime and threatening it represents for our country and broader, prosecutorial system within its Action Plans has set as priority increasing Prosecutors` capacities for effective fighting of terrorism financing and money laundering.

Therefore, Your support through trainings and infrastructure, is very important and key factor for our success in this mission.

We are grateful for Your support and we have hopes that we will carry on with the excellent cooperation in the future as well.

Lastly, allow me to wish you success in this workshop and to express my full dedication for cooperation with US Justice Institutions.”