Fjalime - Psh | Sistemi Prokurorial i Republikës së Kosovës
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Speech of Chief State Prosecutor, Aleksandër Lumezi, in the Press Conference with Joint Rule of Law Coordination Board members

Honoured participants,

Many times until now was said, but I would like to repeat it once again, and emphasize the importance of Rule of Law in Kosova and the obligation that Justice Institutions have to implement it. 

A special criterion of Rule of Law and primary goal for us is protection and strengthening of the independence of the function of those Institutions from all external influences that go beyond the legal action frameworks.

I would like to convey a message to all citizens of Kosova; Justice Institutions are making huge efforts for strengthening and increasing the independence of Justice Institutions, whereas I believe through this the trust in Justice Institutions will be restored.

Once again I would like to thank everybody for the work done so far and I would like to invite all relevant Institutions and International partners to provide support for Judicial Institutions and further strengthening of the Justice System independence.
I thank you for your attention!