Lajm - Kpk | Sistemi Prokurorial i Republikës së Kosovës
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Action of the Basic Prosecution Office in Ferizaj in the area of Brezovica

Ferizaj, August 04, 2022 – The Basic Prosecution Office in Ferizaj, informs the public opinion that in coordination and cooperation with the Directorate of Serious Crimes (DSC) in Prishtina, the Inspectorate of the Ministry of Environment, the Department of Environmental Protection, the Inspectorate of the municipality, the National Park Directorate "Sharri" and the Cadastral Agency of Kosovo, today, are carrying out an extraordinary inspection in the area of Brezovica, which is a continuation of the previous actions.

The purpose of this inspection is to identify the construction of all buildings in the protected areas of the national park, in which areas they were built, do they have construction permits and do they comply with the law.

Regarding this case, the State Prosecutor is also present at the scene.