Lajm - Kpk | Sistemi Prokurorial i Republikës së Kosovës
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Press release

Prishtinë, 25 October 2021 – Despite the mutual cooperation so far in various processes with the Ministry of Justice, such as: functional review, vetting process in the justice system and expression of goodwill of the prosecutorial system to strengthen cooperation in advancing the rule of law in the Republic of Kosovo, Recent statements made by the Deputy Minister of Justice, who called prosecutors involved in criminal activities, make inter-institutional cooperation impossible.

Therefore, in today's meeting of the Working Group for legal changes of the Ministry of Justice, the representatives of the prosecutorial system have asked the executive power, respectively the Ministry of Justice to distance itself from the statements of the Deputy Minister, a distancing that would pave the way cooperation and mutual institutional respect.

After the statements of attitudes and non-reaction by the Ministry of Justice, the representatives of the Prosecutorial Council, the State Prosecutor and the Special Prosecution of Kosovo, have left the meeting.

Below you will find the position of the prosecutorial system, presented today before the working group of the Ministry of Justice:

“Dear members of this working group,

Dear international partners,

Dear representatives of the Ministry of Justice,

Our presence as an institutional representative of the Kosovo Prosecutorial Council, respectively the State Prosecutor, in this meeting, is a sign of respect and appreciation we have for international partners and other actors who are part of the process, who in various forms and ways have helped and are helping the institutions of the country, with special emphasis on those of justice.

As you are aware, three days ago, the Deputy Minister of Justice, Mr. Blerim Sallahu, called the prosecutors involved in criminal activities and criminal pyramids. A language that is unprecedented, unacceptable, lynching and out of any state-building and institutional logic.

To such language, we have reacted, where we have asked the executive to distance itself from such statements. This distancing has not yet happened and this does not create space for inter-institutional cooperation and undermines mutual respect.

It's nonsense for us to speak in terms of respect, collegiality and trust with someone who calls prosecutors involved in criminal activities.

Not distancing oneself from this language implies such prejudices that are unfounded and tendentious, and this raises serious dilemmas in the real sponsor's intention to undermine institutional independence in the name of legal change and reform following this is the latest draft amendments to the Law on the Kosovo Prosecutorial Council.

Therefore, we will not be able to continue to be part of this group without a public reflection and distancing of the Deputy Minister of Justice or the executive power. 

Therefore, we expect a clear and public position and reflection on the issues raised, so that they can participate in these meetings.

Thank you for your attention and that is the end of our stay in this meeting!”

The Kosovo Prosecutorial System remains committed and open to cooperate with all without exception, within professional principles, always maintaining the separation of powers and institutional independence, and in this regard it is essential to build mutual trust, to cultivate a constructive approach, without prejudice and based on objectivity.