Lajm - Kpk | Sistemi Prokurorial i Republikës së Kosovës
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The first meeting of the Working Group for drafting the Draft Regulation on the internal organization and functioning of the State Prosecutor is held

Prishtina, 8 October 2021 - The working group for drafting the Regulation on the internal organization and functioning of the State Prosecutor, led by the member of the Commission for Normative Issues, the State Prosecutor, Ilir Morina, held its first meeting, in which were attended by Chief Prosecutors, administrators, officials of the KPC Secretariat and representatives of international and local institutions and organizations, which support the work of the KPC.

On this occasion, the working methodology and topics to be addressed by this working group were discussed, as well as issues relevant to the work of the State Prosecutor were identified, which should be included in the draft regulation. This sub-legal act aims to address the current challenges and further advance the work of the State Prosecutor.

In the end it was agreed that each member of the working group to prepare written comments on the topics discussed and it was proposed to hold a workshop of several days, in order to finalize the draft of this regulation, which will be in line with best domestic and international practices and standards.

This working group is mandated by the Committee for Normative Issues of the Prosecutorial Council to draft bylaws, which regulate the organization and functioning of the State Prosecutor.