Lajm - Kpk | Sistemi Prokurorial i Republikës së Kosovës
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A coordination meeting relative to the training of prosecutors

Prishtina, 11 July 2019 – The Chairperson of Kosovo Prosecutorial Council (KPC), Bahri Hyseni, hosted a delegation from the EU Office in Kosovo led by Cezary Michalczuk, Head of Rule of Law Section, - EU Special Representative Office in Kosovo;.

The purpose of this meeting was to coordinate the activities related to the training of prosecutors for the implementation of new applicable laws or those expected to enter into force, with particular emphasis on the implementation of the Law on Extended Competencies for Confiscation.

Chairperson Hyseni said that through the Strategic Plan of the prosecutorial system 2019-2021, the training of prosecutors is foreseen as the need for their professional empowerment, therefore their participation in trainings regarding the new laws, which entered into force or those expected to enter into force, is very important. He added that the implementation of the Law on Extended Competences Powers for Confiscation is a set priority by the KPC, while the training of prosecutors regarding the implementation of this law is very important and needs to be achieved through good inter-institutional coordination, in particular between the prosecutorial and judicial system.                              

Cezary Michalczuk, Head of the Office of the Rule of Law Section - EU Special Representative Office in Kosovo, spoke about the importance of training of prosecutors in the implementation of Kosovo’s legislation. Mr Michalczuk said that the EU Office in Kosovo is interested and ready to organize trainings for prosecutors in order to strengthen their professional capacities in order to increase efficiency in fighting corruption and other unlawful phenomena

At this meeting, EU representatives in Kosovo also expressed the appreciation of the respective institutions for the work of the prosecutorial system to increase efficiency in the fight against illegal phenomena