Lajm - Kpk | Sistemi Prokurorial i Republikës së Kosovës
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Draft Regulation on the Organization and Activity of the Kosovo Prosecutorial Council is presented

Pristina, 5 March 2020 - The Committee on Normative Issues of the Kosovo Prosecutorial Council, led by its chairman, Zejnullah Gashi, organized the presentation of the Draft Regulation on the Organization and Activity of the KPC to Representatives of the US Embassy, EU Office in Kosovo and the Group for Legal and Political Studies.

The Chairman of the Committee, Gashi, thanked the Working Group and the representatives of local and international institutions for their contribution in drafting this regulation, which is of particular importance and aims at facilitating the work and functioning of the Prosecutorial Council.

Consequently, some articles of this regulation were discussed at the meeting and comments made by representatives of the US Embassy, the EU Office in Kosovo and the Group on Legal and Political Studies, which after incorporation by members of the Commission have been incorporated into the draft of this Regulation.