Lajm - Kpk | Sistemi Prokurorial i Republikës së Kosovës
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The first meeting of the Mentoring Group is held

Pristina, 27 February 2020 - The first meeting of the Mentoring Program Working Group, a program that works under the Strengthening the Justice System Project, funded by the British Embassy in Pristina is held.

During this meeting, the planned monthly activities until November of this year were discussed and the possible inclusion on these activities of the Academy of Justice, OCSP, KJC and KPC.

The mentoring program, part of which will take place in Kosovo and the rest in the United Kingdom, aims to enhance the skills of selected judges and prosecutors in handling high-profile corruption, organized crime and money laundering.

Beneficiaries of this program, which was developed through a transparent process of interviewing candidates from the ranks of judges and prosecutors and received the approval of the Kosovo Judicial Council and Prosecutorial Council, are: Vaton Durguti, Kreshnik Radoniqi and Violeta Husaj Rogova (judges), Atdhe Dema, Armend Hamiti and Burim Çerkini (prosecutors).

It is worth noting that upon completion of the program, its beneficiaries will disseminate the knowledge gained to their peers in order to benefit the entire criminal justice system in Kosovo.