Lajm - Kpk | Sistemi Prokurorial i Republikës së Kosovës
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The 177th meeting of the Kosovo Prosecutorial Council is held

Pristina, 31 January 2020 - The Prosecutorial Council, led by Chairman Bahri Hyseni, at today's meeting adopted the Administrative Instruction on security, safeguarding, access and order in the facilities of the prosecutorial system of the Republic of Kosovo.

This sub-legal act defines security responsibilities and control procedures, with the aim of raising the level of security and creating a safe environment for all officials and non-officials who have access within the facilities of the prosecutorial system.

Also, the members of the Prosecutorial Council have adopted the Report of the Working Group on Supervision of the Unit for Fighting Corruption and Economic Crimes in the Basic Prosecution of Pristina, which is in full compliance with the Strategic Plan of the Prosecutorial System 2019-2021, which was presented by the prosecutor in the Office of the Chief State Prosecutor, Laura Pula.

Also during the meeting was approved the list of prosecutors, which will be evaluated during 2020 and other decisions were taken from the scope of the KPC.