Lajm - Kpk | Sistemi Prokurorial i Republikës së Kosovës
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Visual views of the electronic case management system for OVPA are presented

Pristina, 31 January 2020 - The Secretariat of the Kosovo Prosecutorial Council has organized a two-day workshop on the visual presentation of the electronic case management system for the Office for Victims Protection and Advocacy, supported by the German GIZ, a workshop chaired by the Head of Information Technology Department, Nexhat Haziri and the Office for Victims Protection and Advocacy Manager, Basri Kastrati.

Consequently, within this workshop, four working phases were presented that will last until the end of this project, which includes: defining functional requirements, system visuals, system development, implementation and training of OVPA staff.

The Working Group has also drafted a Regulation on the administration of the work of the Office of Victims Protection and Advocacy, which will serve as a victim advocate and be in line with the electronic system, which will make the work easier and more efficient when handling victim protection cases.