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There was held the next meeting of Kosovo Prosecutorial Council


Prishtina, 28th of January, 2015 – There was held the eighty-sixth meeting of Kosovo Prosecutorial Council, chaired by Acting Chief State Prosecutor, simultaneously Head of the Council, Sylë Hoxha.

In the eighty-sixth meeting of Kosovo Prosecutorial Council, the only point of the agenda was “discussion abbot the mandate of two members of Kosovo Prosecutorial Council”.

Members of Prosecutorial Council following the discussions regarding the mandate of both members of the Council, unanimously have agree that concerning this matter they should submit a request to the President of the Republic of Kosovo, in order to have clarifications for this matter.

The reason behind this decision in such a manner from KPC is related to the fact that President of the Republic of Kosovo is the Constitutional Authority that has appointed those members of KPC in 2010, therefore by using constitutional and legal competencies, President of the Republic of Kosovo may give proposition for a solution for the mandate of both members of KPC.