Lajm - Kpk | Sistemi Prokurorial i Republikës së Kosovës
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A delegation of Amnesty International has met with Chairman Isufaj

Prishtina, 29th of November 2016 – Today, Chairman of Kosovo Prosecutorial Council (KPC), Blerim Isufaj, has hosted in a meeting a delegation of Amnesty International, the latter led by Gauri van Gulik, Deputy-Director of the Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia.

Chairman Isufaj at the beginning of the meeting has informed guests regarding KPC competencies, in particular the new structuring that took place following legal amendments for prosecutorial system.

In this meeting discussions were also regarding the progress achieved in strengthening of the prosecutorial system of Kosova in some areas.

On the other hand, representatives of Amnesty International were interested on the work regarding cases of domestic violence, witness protection and some other topics relate to the scope of Kosova prosecutorial system.