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KPS and GLPS signed a memorandum of cooperation

Pristina 20 may 2019- Kosovo Prosecutorial Council (KPC) and Group for Legal and Political Studies (GLPS) signed a memorandum of cooperation. 

Memorandum of cooperation, signed by the chairman of the KPC, Mr. Bahri Hyseni and the Executive Director of the GLPS Arberesha Loxha, aims to establish a basis for cooperation between KPC and GLPS for the implementation of the Project “Monitoring the Judicial and Prosecutorial System in Kosovo”.

KPC through this memorandum will enable the GLSP monitors to follow and monitor all the meetings of the KPC and provide access to the public documents in accordance with the Law on Access to Public documents.

While, GSLP will guarantee that any information taken in the prosecutorial system will be handled in accordance with the applicable law, which determines access to public documents and in the sensitive information of the prosecutorial character.