Lajm - Kpk | Sistemi Prokurorial i Republikës së Kosovës
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The meeting of the Working Group for the implementation of the specific tasks of the Strategic Plan 2019-2021 is held

Pristina, 24 June 2019 - A working group for the implementation of the specific tasks deriving from the Strategic Plan 2019-2021, headed by Prosecutor Merita Bina-Rugova, held a meeting to review the steps foreseen for the fulfillment of this plan, which was attended by the members of this group, the Prosecutor at the Office of the Chief State Prosecutor, Agron Qalaj and the Manager of the Office for Verification and Prosecutorial Assessment, Besim Morina.

The purpose of the meeting was to analyze the concrete steps for fulfilling the specific tasks of the Strategic Plan 2019-2021 of the prosecutorial system, consultation of implementing details with representatives of relevant mechanisms, who are obliged to implement the foreseen objectives and discussion on drafting of the respective report, which will be presented to the Kosovo Prosecutorial Council.

On this occasion, members of this working group assessed that the implementation of these specific job duties will impact on the empowerment of a stable prosecutorial system through a clear framework of work related to the implementation of the constitutional and legal mandate of the prosecutorial system, relying on best international practices.

The working group will continue to work further on the implementation of the specific tasks deriving from the three-year objectives of this plan by preparing periodic reports and presenting the parameters of its concrete implementation.