Prosecution Council of Kosovo

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The first meeting of the Working Group for drafting the Regulation on the Creation and Functioning of Joint Investigation Teams was held


Prishtina, September 12, 2024 – The Working Group for drafting the Regulation on the Creation and Functioning of Joint Investigation Teams, chaired by Deputy Chief Prosecutor at the Special Prosecution Office, Valdet Gashi, held its first meeting. In addition to representatives from the prosecutorial system, the meeting also included representatives from the Kosovo Police, the Financial Intelligence Unit, Kosovo Customs, and the Kosovo Tax Administration, along with representatives from the U.S. and British Embassies in Kosovo, the EU Office, and EULEX.

On this occasion, the chair of the working group, Valdet Gashi, expressed his gratitude to the participants and emphasized that the purpose of today’s meeting is to initiate discussions on drafting the Regulation on the Creation and Functioning of Joint Investigation Teams. These teams are expected to operate within the scope of the Special Prosecution Office’s competencies as defined by law.

Further discussions focused on international standards and practices to establish an inter-institutional joint investigative team tasked with achieving common investigative objectives and enhancing the multifaceted cooperation between the Special Prosecution Office, other law enforcement agencies, and public institutions that are obliged to collaborate with the Special Prosecution for investigating various criminal offenses under its jurisdiction.