Prosecution Council of Kosovo

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Press Release of the Kosovo Prosecutorial Council for the recruitment process of 24 new prosecutors (4 seats are reserved for prosecutors from the Serbian minority)

Pristina, September 10, 2024 – The Kosovo Prosecutorial Council informs the public opinion that even in the current case of the development of the recruitment process of 24 new state prosecutors (4 seats are reserved for prosecutors from the Serbian minority, in which case no candidates have applied), but also in the future and in accordance with the Constitution, laws and bylaws will guide and administer the recruitment procedures of state prosecutors, based on defined criteria and in accordance with impartial and meritocratic procedures, because the only way is maximum respect for public transparency, which determines the making of the right decisions in the prosecutorial system.

This recruitment process, to which several non-governmental organizations have reacted, KPC announced that they are monitoring representatives of international partners in Kosovo, informing the public opinion that representatives of civil society, including non-governmental organizations that reacted yesterday for their non-participation in monitoring the oral interview process of 24 candidates for prosecutors, IKD, Lëvizja FOL and INPO, have been constantly notified and invited to monitor the recruitment processes of candidates for state prosecutors, either for monitoring qualifying tests or written tests. Among other things, they were also notified and invited to monitor the review of the objections of candidates for state prosecutors or for other processes, such as the cases of selection of candidates for chief prosecutors of the country’s prosecution offices.

Knowing that notifications and invitations have been published for representatives of civil society, here it results and highlights the systematic non-implementation of public transparency of these organizations regarding the monitoring of these processes, because in fact it is not understood what is the monitoring logic of these organizations, because in the past two processes they were invited and did not participate at all, when it is known that the process of qualifying testing, written testing and oral interviewing of candidates are inevitably related to each other.

As far as the public is aware, the announcements and invitations published in advance for these organizations that did not participate in the monitoring are dated 19 May 2024 (Qualifyingtest) and 9 June 2024 (Written test).

Meanwhile, the Committee for Recruitment of Prosecutors, yesterday, through the responsible officials of the KPC, asked the representatives of the organizations in question to leave the space where the oral interviews of the new prosecutors would be held, because they were not invited in writing to monitor the interview process.

The KPC informed the public opinion that these organizations, namely IKD, Levizja FOL and INPO, have not participated in any of the previous processes conducted for the recruitment of state prosecutors, except those organizations that have had memorandum of cooperation with the KPC.

The Kosovo Prosecutorial Council reiterates that this process is being monitored by representatives of international partners.