Prokuroria E Apelit - Psh | Sistemi Prokurorial i Republikës së Kosovës
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Haxhi Derguti born on 07.07.1956 in Rezalle MA Skenderaj

I finished elementary school in Kline in 1971 finished high school "Luigj Gurakuqi" High School in Kline in 1975

Graduated from the Faculty of Law in 1979

In October 1979 she was employed by the company "Mirusha" initially as an Intern and then her legal representative until October 1981.

In October 1981 he was appointed Secretary of the Municipal Assembly of Klina until July 1987.

In July 1987 he was appointed President of the Municipal Court in Kline until September 1990.

On 01.01.1991 he was appointed director of the private enterprise "Shower" until 31.12.1998

On 01.01.2000 by the UN Special Representative in Kosovo, he is appointed to the position of President of the Municipal Court in Kline until 29.06.2010.

From 29.06.2010 by decree of the President of Kosovo is appointed prosecutor of the District Public Prosecutor's Office in Prishtina.

She passed the bar exam on 25.06.1989