Lajm - Kpk | Sistemi Prokurorial i Republikës së Kosovës
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A two-day conference of regional forums of judges and prosecutors is held

Prishtinë, 14 June 2022 - The two-day conference organized in Tirana, at the initiative of the Forum of Judges and Prosecutors of Kosovo and in cooperation with UNDP, was attended by 43 judges and prosecutors from Kosovo, Albania and Northern Macedonia.  

On this occasion, judges and prosecutors from all three countries praised the importance of such an organization that will serve as an initiative for long-term cooperation to strengthen the position of women in the judicial and prosecutorial system, as well as to engage in raising of the efficiency of justice for the protection of victims of domestic violence.

The forums of these three countries agreed that in the identified activities of common importance, such as increased cases of domestic violence and cases of drug use, cooperation should continue to exchange experiences and best practices for institutional awareness and society for the treatment and prevention of these negative phenomena that are constantly increasing. 

At the end of this event, it was said that this regional cooperation conference is one of the valuable and interesting activities for the regional judicial and prosecutorial systems.