Lajm - Kpk | Sistemi Prokurorial i Republikës së Kosovës
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KPC has received and accepted with concern the reaction of the American Embassy

Prishtinë, 10 October 2020 – At the request of the Chairman of the Kosovo Prosecutorial Council (KPC), Bahri Hyseni, the 187th extraordinary, closed door meeting of the KPC was held.

The only item on the agenda of this meeting was the discussion regarding the reaction of the American Embassy.

On this occasion, the Council received and accepted with concern the reaction of the US Embassy regarding the process of electing the prosecutor members- of the council and chief prosecutors. Therefore, after discussions, KPC members have come up with the following conclusions:

  1. All superiors are obliged to report the same in case of any inappropriate influence during the election process of KPC prosecutor members and chief prosecutors, as well as any influence from superiors during the above mentioned processes is prohibited.;
  2. To regulate by law, by the competent institutions, the procedure in such a way that the members- of the KPC do not have the right to apply for chief prosecutor prosecutors during the term of the member of the Council, and vice versa;
  3. KPC prosecutor members and chief prosecutors will be elected on the basis of meritocracy;
  4. Anyone who will influence the evaluation and voting processes for KPC prosecutor members and chief prosecutors may result in dismissal and legal action against them;
  5. It is recommended to the Ministry of Justice to take action as soon as possible towards legal changes which set out strict rules for the election of KPC prosecutor members and the appointment of chief prosecutors.